Redeemer College
Redeemer College Mission Statement

In Redeemer College, we firmly believe that the college campus is one of the greatest mission fields in the world today and that college students are one of the most strategic groups to reach for the kingdom of God.
Our prayer is that every student in Greenville would have a saving relationship with Jesus Christ, and that this great mission field would turn into a great mission movement for the gospel in our city, the nation, and the world. We live this prayer out through life-on-life discipleship in our monthly family groups, weekly DNA small groups, and annual mission trips and discipleship conferences.

Redeemer College Discipleship
Family Group
Redeemer College's Family Groups meet monthly and serve as a place where our campus specific ministries can gather together for fun, fellowship, and community. These groups are open to anyone and details are announced on our social media!
DNA Group
Redeemer College DNA Groups are student led, gender-specific small groups that take place weekly on campus. These groups ground themselves in scripture, focusing on bible study, accountability, and doing life in community.
Redeemer College Spring Calendar
Welcome Back Family Group
JANUARY 19TH - Directly After Service - In Fellowship Hall - Coffee and Donuts Provided
Winter Conference
JANUARY 24TH - 26TH - Raleigh, NC - Cost: $70 - Register by Jan. 20th
College Summer Mission Trip Interest Meeting
FEBRUARY 2ND - Directly After Service - Conference Room
Pickle Ball and Painting Family Group
MARCH 10TH - Location TBD
Redeemer College United
APRIL 21ST - 7PM - 9PM - in the RCC Sanctuary
Redeemer College Summer Mission Trip
JUNE 2ND - 15TH - Manchester, England

Redeemer College exists to see a movement of disciple-making disciples on every campus in Greenville reaching the city, the nation, and the world.