DNA Groups

What are DNA Groups?
DNA Groups are where we pursue growing as a movement of disciple-making disciples. We believe these groups can help catalyze spiritual formation in your life through consistent relationships and a commitment to spiritual practices and accountability. DNA groups are gender specific groups of 3-5 people, primarily from the same City Group. These groups commit to communicate regularly for 12 weeks of focused Bible reflection, prayer, and accountability.
What does “DNA” mean?
“DNA” simply stands for Discipleship, Nurture, and Accountability:
A child of God who is growing in the five identities of a disciple and helping others do the same.
- We define a disciple around five identities: a disciple is a worshiper, family member, servant, steward, and witness.
A safe context to receive the support and care we need to grow as disciples.
Asking intentional questions to help us grow in the identities of a disciple.
The DNA Groups primarily exist from within City Groups.
While individual study is helpful, discipleship happens in relationships. DNA groups primarily exist from within City Groups to build a context for cultivating relational discipleship. Our hope is that DNA groups will promote a lifestyle of cultivating relationships that help you and others grow in Christ.
DNA Groups are Bible-reflective.
God gives us new birth through his Word (James 1:18; 1 Peter 1:23), and he sustains and matures us through his Word (Matthew 4:4). Disciples grow by feeding on God’s Word. The anchor of DNA Groups is the Bible, because we want you to dig into the Scriptures. Group check-ins and meetings should always leave space to discuss personal Bible readings. Other studies will pass away, “but the word of the Lord endures forever” (1 Peter 1:25 CSB). After a year in a DNA group, we want you to feel equipped in using the Bible for discipleship.
DNA Groups are designed to transform your affections, beliefs, and practices.
We say that the Christian life is not a matter of behaving better or doing more, but of going deeper. We believe that a deeper study of God’s word and a deeper commitment to relationships will shape all of your life—your affections, beliefs, and practices. Your affections, because God wants to inflame your heart with a passion for his glory. Your mind, because God wants to inform your mind with his Word. Your practices, because God wants to transform your habits for a life of obedience to him. Our prayer is that God would transform all of your life as you pursue walking with him.
Where we grow as a movement of disciple-making disciples.