The Redeemer Institute
Leadership Development
The Redeemer Institute Internship and Residency program is an intensive, 1-2 year opportunity offering significant hands-on ministry experience, weekly training, and mentorship by church leadership. Our desire is to develop ministry leaders for the local church: men and women who have a passion for serving the church and reaching this world with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
You’ll operate as a member of Redeemer City's staff, receive training from experienced ministry leaders and be given significant responsibility as a resident. As an intern, you will be invited to serve alongside one of our ministry leaders for a year. This is a training environment created to complement your theological education and enable you to climb new heights as you develop character, leadership, and ministry skills.
Areas to Grow
We focus on several areas to engage with and experience development . Below is a list of some of these ministry areas and opportunities for those serving in The Redeemer Institute: